語学教育 O21 9月16日 (木) 13:00〜14:30
〜米国ETS 社(Educational Testing Service) の取組み〜
ETS is known throughout the world for the TOEFL and TOEIC tests which are the gold-standard for Global English Language Assessments. But in an increasingly competitive world economy, in which English is the language of academic and business communication, the demand for global standards at ever younger ages and for English teachers, is being heard from all corners of the earth. ETS is listening to the market and leading in creating new assessment-related products geared to learners of all ages, for the CALL platform, for mobile devices and for on-line gaming using the latest in automated scoring technologies. This presentation will share ETS’s insights into these new domains.

Country manager of China
Educational Testing Service
Eng Han TAN 氏